Thursday, January 31, 2013

Black and White

Jedna od odevnih kombinacija koju sam izabrala da nosim na Blogomaniji, događaj koji sam već spomenula u predhodnom postu. Ovo je jedna od crno belih kombinacija koju sam prošarala sivim nijansama. Odlučila sam se za ešarpu, jer je to modni detalj koji osvežava ovu kombinaciju i čini je elegantnijom.

One of the outfits that I chose to wear on Blogomanija, an event that I mentioned in the previous post. This is one of the black and white outfits that I combined with a gray shades. I decided for the scarf, because it is a fashion accessory that refreshes this combination and makes it more elegant.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Od 7.-9.12.2012. godine se u hotelu Falkensteiner na Staroj planini održala najveća Internet konferencija u regionu pod nazivom Blogomanija.
Tokom ove konferencije imala sam priliku da slušam o temama vezanim za blogove, počevši od njihove svrhe, načina pisanja, vrste blogova i raznim polemikama da li se od blogova može zaraditi i kako. Moglo se prisustvovati diskusijama raznih poznatih blogera naših prostora kao i radionicama koje su bile fokusirane na konkretnije teme vezane za blog i njegovo održavanje.
Predavanja su bila raznovrsna i za svačiji ukus, idealna prilika da proširite kako svoje znanje tako i svoja poznanstva. A za sve ljubitelje druženja postojale su i alternative...prijatni razgovori u spa centru, večernje druženje-kafanizacija, pa čak i zanimljive debate tokom pauze za ručak. 
Organizacija je bila odlična a protok Wifi interneta na zavidnom nivou.

The biggest Internet conference in the region-Blogomanija took place at hotelu Falkensteiner on Stara planina at december 2012.
During this conference, I had the opportunity to listen about the issues related to blogs, from their purpose, writing methods, different types of blogs and polemics of whether blogs can make money and how. It was possible to attend the discussions of  famous bloggers from our areas and workshops focused on specific topics related to the blog and its maintenance.
Lectures were different and for every taste, an ideal opportunity to expand your knowledge and your acquaintances. For all those who love socializing, there were alternatives ... pleasant conversations at the spa center, evening gatherings and even an interesting debate during the lunch break.
The organization was excellent and the flow of Wifi internet was at a high level.

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