Pariz je definitivno jedan od najlepših gradova u kojem sam bila. Grad ljubavi, mode i svetlosti.
Uživajte u slikama...:)
Paris is definitely one of the most beautiful cities in which I've ever been. The city of love, fashion and light.
Enjoy the pictures ... :)

Uživajte u slikama...:)
Paris is definitely one of the most beautiful cities in which I've ever been. The city of love, fashion and light.
Enjoy the pictures ... :)

ZAZ Je Veux - Street performance (Serbian lyric)
Nadam se da ste uživali u slikama.
I hope you enjoy the pictures.
Very nice post! Beautiful pictures!!!
ReplyDeleteI like your blog, would you like to check mine too? Maybe we can follow each other?
Let me know!
I wasn't in Paris, but it looks on very rich in culture and history city. Greetings from Poland :)
ReplyDeleteidem uskoro i jedva cekam,tvoje fotografije su super :)
ReplyDeleteLepo se provedi...Pariz je divan :)Jedva čekam da vidim fotke :)
DeleteIcicu mozda u Oktobru u Pariz, tako da si me sada jos vise obradovala sa slikama! :)
ReplyDeleteIdi obavezno...Pariz je divan, sve ono što sam očekivala...ja sam bila pre dve godine...:D
Deleteomg it's so beautiful! and you look fantastic!
ReplyDeletecheck out my blog too :)
thank you for visiting my blog! Following you back dear! :)
ReplyDeletePrekrasne fotke! :)
ReplyDeletePrelepo... Fotografije iz Pariza uvek umaju neku posebnu draz... :)
DeleteLepe fotke, vidi se da ti je bilo lepo =)
ReplyDeleteParigi e' insuperabile!!
ReplyDeleteIncantevole e romantica come nessun altro posto!!
Nikada niasm bila u Parizu.
ReplyDeleteA, naravno, bas bih volela.
Jako su ti lepe fotografije :)
Hvala :)
DeleteGreat post and beautiful pictures! so inspiring :)
Divne slike Marijana! Hocu i ja u Pariz :-)))
Hvala ...:)
Deleteyou look like having a great time~! ) envy you@ )
beautiful pics!!! J'adore Paris!!!
ReplyDeleteThe Giulia’s Bag
yes paris is fantastic <3<3
ReplyDeleteparis is a wonderful city,hope you had lots of fun
Paris is my favourite city! I've been there like 4 times :)
ReplyDeleteENTER THE GIVEAWAY- Win a Chanel nailpolish F/W 2012-2013
ENTER THE GIVEAWAY- Win a Chanel nailpolish F/W 2012-2013
ENTER THE GIVEAWAY- Win a Chanel nailpolish F/W 2012-2013
Mix.. & Be Chic♥
Predivne slike! :)
ReplyDeleteAaaaaa, prekrasne slike... zavidim ti :)
ReplyDeletePusa velika... <3
Such wonderful pictures!! It looks amazing!
ReplyDeleteAll of the pictures are absolutely lovely!!! Paris is SO beautiful!
ReplyDeletexoxo Darby
Obviously Obsessed
Paris is such a great city!
ReplyDeleteOOh amazing photos!
ReplyDeleteI love Paris :D
love that city!
ReplyDeleteDivne slike i meni nedostaje pariz :)
ReplyDeleteJoj...ja bih mogla ponovo :)
DeleteDivan post!
ReplyDeletePariz je def. najljepsi grad na ovom svijetu, sama cu ga ubrzo posjetiti!
Ako budem imala nekih pitanja, znam kome da se obratim :)
Hvala... naravno :)
Deletebeautiful pictures! we still wanna go to paris one day :)
ps. you can now win some fabulous Sabre sunglasses on our blog!
Svidjaju mi se fotke. Obozavam Pariz.. :)
ReplyDeleteWOW!!Marvelous pics!!
ReplyDeleteStephilà Creations-Myfashionblog
wonderfull !:)
ReplyDeleteParis is such an amazing city! Reading this post makes me want to go there right now and your outfits for your trip are so casual and simple, I love it.
ReplyDeletexo, Llana
Divno. Nisam nikad bila, imam u planu da ga posetim. Ona crna majica ti je super!